
Sorry about that

Hey guys! We are sooooooooooooo sorry that there were no posts for a couple of weeks and the reason why is because we had EXAMS, TESTS, AND QUIZZES which are all kinda the same. So Hs and I (Sh) are going to have fall break soon so expect more posts.
Oh and here is some news:
  • Hs and I Sh are auditioning to speak at a TEDx conference and if you don't know what that is look it up or click here  so if we get in are identities are going to be revealed but it doesn't matter cause we only have one follower 
  • Hs and I Sh are both writing a books (separately) so if we finish we will probably post it in parts
And that about it remember to comment and follow (please) and see you next time (through the computer) Bye.



Daily Quote #5: "Smile more + Stress less"

Here are some pictures for your Thursday:

Have a Laugh! #2




For Hs' Leonardo Dicaprio Obsession

My Weird School

So all of us have been to elementary school or I think some might call it primary school not that sure. But all have been unless your like home schooled.....awkward. Any way back to the story so just recently I kinda think my elementary school was kinda crazy and weird. We would do such weird things like we had to stand in a circle and hold crystals and stand perfectly still for a minute and keep your eyes on a focal point and then it got weirder, you had to squeeze them even though they were sharp for a minute and close your eyes because it helps us "focus". I am no longer am in that school because I'm a teenager. So its crazy all the weird stuff that I did in this school but my time there was awesome and I won a lot of art contests. You guys must think I went to a crazy school but no I went to just a normal public school that tried to be artistic.




Daily Quote #4

"Make each day count." - Titanic Jack Dawson {Leonardo DiCaprio}

This quote is pretty self-explanatory. It tells you straight up to make the best out of everyday. You know why? Because you never ever know when it'll be your last day, and anything can happen. To "make each day count", you should stop worrying, stop thinking, and just let go and follow where your heart takes you. Don't worry about your problems. If you can fix them, then go ahead, fix them. If you can't, then let go and let time make it heal for you. Do what you must do or what you want to do (good things, not bad), because later on, you'll regret it. And if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted to? That's something to remember! In the future, it'll just be something to laugh about. At least you TRIED. "Life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it". So don't waste your precious time. As you're reading this, time is ticking away slow but surely. So go out and live!



Daily Quote #3

"You can only do what you believe you can."

These days, most people have lost so much motivation, because they have no confidence within. I want you all to know that what ever your dreams or goals are, you can achieve them! Don't let anyone tell you different. And you have to believe, because absolutely nothing is impossible. And to reflect this quote upon myself, I'd like to add that yeah, it's hard to come back up when you have fallen and haven't succeeded yet. But that's the point. That's the test to know how important that dream is for you. Now think about what you wish. And I want you to actually BELIEVE that you can accomplish great things. If you're going through a hard time where you've lost the appetite to continue to follow your dreams, remember this quote. 

( I'm sorry that I didn't post a daily quote the day before. I'm very busy and I will try to be here as much as I can<3 )


Weekly Poem #2: My House at the End of the Road

As I awake in my room, the smell of coffee and toasted bread fill my lungs
And I hear the pitter patter of paws walking along
As the day goes on you hear the beeping and buzzing of video games
And movies on replay
And the heat from the sun rays press against my face
From the window overlooking where my pets play
The words from voices young to old and the volume high to low 
The foot steps you hear on the hard wood floors
And my dog barking at the wind
All of this and many more from the small green house at the end of the road



Have a Laugh! #1





so fucking cool


relatable/humor blog if you Don’t smile I will personally cook you a pizza ♡

Daily Quote #2

"Some people are so poor, all they have is money" - Anonymous

I shared this quote in my leadership class a few days ago and I thought I should share with you all too, because this quote says a lot. You may think that it's weird saying people are so poor because all they have is money. And people are rich, today, because they have money. But no, this isn't not what it's about. Some people are poor because they have money, and that's it! No friends, family, nothing else... But money, a mansion, and everything they want. Now, you can't buy friends. And that's pretty sad. Money is not what matters most. It's what is priceless in the world. People have to stop being so greedy, because people in this world who don't have much are very happy people! People with a lot of money are mostly selfish, sad/mad all the time, etc. So please take a moment to think about what I just said and relate yourself to it.





SH's weekly poem #1: The Battle from Bullies

Hey guys so since hs is doing daily quotes I thought I should also do something poetic to so SH's weekly poems was created so I hope you enjoy. This is a poem I recently wrote and I'm serious I actually wrote it. Its called '' The Battle from Bullies ''.

The heart may still beat but its deeply broken
Not from love
But from the lack of life and hope inside
For darkness has already set in and the thoughts come flooding
The hurtful words suddenly turn into arrows and are aimed at me for target practice
The wounds turn to scars and will stay with me forever
I lock my true self away yet there's nowhere to hid my feelings
As water rushes down my cheeks, for I have been beat
But what was the objective of this battle
Was it to see me break and shatter 
Or was there no intention at all
But in any case I have grown stronger 
The arrows made of words no longer harm me
Since now I wear armor of confidence
And carry a shield of self esteem
I have ended this battle and your words no longer harm me
Yet you still take aim 
I stand strong for days and days 
But after time you walk away 
Finally no more pain

♡♔♡ bubblegum/ pink/ rosy ♡♔♡


Daily Quote #1

"You're beautiful, no matter what anyone says" -Anonymous

So lately, I've been hearing girls say "I'm ugly", "I'm dumb", "Ew I'm not pretty!" I myself say that too. And I may be sounding like a hypocrite right now, telling people that they're beautiful when I can't believe that I am. I don't want people to feel that way, because I know how it feels to dislike yourself so much. This quote is simple. Yet, it has a strong meaning behind it. And it's all true. People put others down to make themselves gain self esteem, not thinking about the other person. Just millions of compliments a person can get, and one hurtful message can change them forever. They'll believe they're "ugly", etc. And it all starts with you, the person reading this. Think back to the time someone said something very hurtful towards you and you felt unimportant. That feeling really sucks and it takes time to recover and not believe something like that. You don't want someone to feel that way. You never know what a person may be going through, so, be nice to everyone. Others may not be so nice, but, be the bigger person! Don't say anything mean back. Just walk away. Next time, when someone says they're not good enough, tell them something nice! It'll really brighten their day.

Everyday, we will be posting some quotes and we will write a meaning behind it and give you all some advice/tips. Thanks for reading!


relatable/humor blog if you Don’t smile I will personally cook you a pizza ♡



My Astronaut Trip

So today at school we had a optional field trip which is basically a field trip you have to write a paper to go but today only fifteen people could go and I was one. It was space convention and we got to meet an astronaut .So me,my teacher, and fourteen other students, and a group of students from another school crammed into one bus. As we were driving to the the hotel where the convention was being held the people in the bus were so loud that the bus driver yelled at us to be quiet...five times and I sat next to my friends talking about funny stories (and where we think we were going because we forgot what hotel it was at). But once we got there about ten other groups of students from different schools were already there and I saw some of my old friends that left to other schools. We had to wait for about five minutes for other schools to show up and we had to take group photos. Finally we got to enter the ball room that it was being held in and there were different booths with different space subjects. Are group had to move from booth to booth and we got free stuff like pins, pencils, pens, bags, and these glasses that turn light reflections into rainbows. So it turned into basically a amazing swag bag. We also got to do these cool experiments like project a image with light and use a iphone app to track satellites but the one I wanted to do the most we couldnt do because we ran out of time but it was with lasers and mirrors. By the time we got to hear the astronaut talk I and everyone else was starving so when the he was finished talking he said it was almost time for lunch everyone cheered and he said that we are more excited for lunch than meeting a astronaut and we have are priorities wrong. But what he said was very interesting and he showed us a video of what life was like for him in space. After that a person who works with satellites was talking and it was boring...until he brought up aliens and as a whovian I was excited but my friend who sat next to me kept talking then I kept talking and we some how came up with the idea that there is no martians just space mermaids (random I know). At the end of every thing we ate a picnic style lunch on the grass and the staff gave us table clothes to sit on. Finally we went back on the bus but as we were driving, the group from are school challenged the other school to a sing off it was really fun and I had a great time at this field trip.                   

Hottest boy on tumblr adfghjkl!!


Acne tips and remedies #1

These are a few tips and remedies for acne and acne prone skin and if you want more tell me in the comments:

1. First of all lets talk about skin care routine you might already have one or maybe not but in any case here are some tips:
  •  I suggest use products (like face wash or cleanser) with benzoyl peroxide because it is a acne bacteria fighting chemical that can reduce acne or salicylic acid because it works as a exfoliant that clears your pores and reduce break outs.
  • If you use moisturizer (which you probably should) always remember to get oil-free.
 2. Quick ways to get rid acne:
  • I don't know if you know about this yet but its magic in a bottle...spot treatment. You put a little dab of this cream on and it shrinks or goes away completely.
  • If you put a bit of eye drops on your pimple it reduces redness. 
  • An old country remedy my dad told me and a fair warning do not attempt unless your brave and have a strong stomach. Once a day drink a tablespoon of white vinegar for about two weeks then you will see a difference and after that you have to keep doing it but every other day. But if your less brave you can dilute it with water and/or put in cinnamon (only a little), honey, sugar, mint, and/or lemon.


               Today is the 12-year anniversary of September 11, 2001. I watched a video in my Social Studies class today and it was so heartbreaking. Thousands of innocent people died. And till this day, people are still grieving over the tragedy.

9-11: it was just a normal day in New York. Everyone went to work, just another ordinary day. Residents never expected such as thing to happen. Then suddenly, one plane, AA #11 Boeing crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center, one of  the two tallest buildings in New York, at about 8:45 am. People screamed while smoke flew into the air, everywhere. Firefighters, police, and ambulance rushed into the scene and immediately searched around to find out what was happening and trying to rescue people.

Then BAM! Another plane crashed into the south tower approximately 20 minutes later. People were falling from the building(s), fleeing away to the safest place, and so many others were sobbing for the many that passed away. Slowly, the two buildings collapsed, floor to floor. As the buildings got closer to the ground, they collapsed faster. When the collapsing ended, smoke invaded the air and New Yorkers ran as far as they could.

Two other planes crashed into Virgina and Pennsylvania.

The mastermind behind this was Osama Bin Laden. He was found a few years back and was killed as a punishment.

This event shaked millions of people all around the world and it still continues to tell people what happened on that day, today.
So, take a moment and think about this event in history. Do some research if you would like to find out more! I recently went on YouTube and there are tons of videos regarding 9-11.

- hs

Hello Internet!

Well as this is our first post I feel the need for introductions. Hi I'm sh and I'm hs we are both teenage friends who have a passion for writing (obviously) yet we have different styles and tastes. So on this blog we will be posting DIYs, tips and advice, articles and stuff related to fashion, food, health, and random teenage stuff sooo ya. At the end of every post we will put our initials if we wrote it. So with that said I hope you read on and enjoy this blog!